
20 weeks!

So tomorrow is officially the halfway mark: 20 weeks down and 20 weeks to go with this pregnancy, but today held all of the excitement as we went in for a checkup and saw a healthy, active baby GIRL! I don't know if I'm not surprised (because I assumed girl from the beginning, as did everyone else we talked to), or shocked (because for sure it would be the opposite of what I thought it was, right?), but either way we are so very, very excited. I didn't know if she would cooperate based on the positioning she was in, and at one point she even shielded her privates with her hand while we tried to look (so modest), but eventually we saw what we needed to see (or at least the ultrasound tech did, because I didn't see much of anything I could make sense of at that angle). Of course we had to stop at Target after dinner where we were each going to pick out one baby girl outfit; I picked the one above, and Alexis left with two outfits because he couldn't decide. She will be a daddy's girl for sure, and I can't wait!


  1. ahhh 20 weeks already?!!! it's gone by so quickly for me ;-) you look sooo good!!

    1. I love that it's going by quickly for someone, at least ; )

    2. I love that it's going by quickly for someone, at least ; )
